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Fun Foundation-Pieced Blocks : 13 Patterns with Piecing Steps and Quilt Layout Ideas read ebook DOC


This booklet gives quilters all the tools they need to make gorgeous colorful quilts--both traditional and modern styles! Fun Foundation-Pieced Blocks contains a gold mine of quilting information, offering both guidance and inspiration. The 32-page booklet includes paper-piecing basics followed by block instructions for 13 different paper-pieced quilt blocks. With its even mix of new, original designs and modern interpretations of traditional patterns, Fun Foundation-Pieced Blocks has something for beginners and experienced quilters alike, as well as traditionalists and modern quilters. Each quilt block included in the booklet can be interpreted in endless fabric combinations. You could stay busy for a lifetime of quilting! What's more, you have the option of using the fabric blocks you create for full, rich-colored quilts, small décor pieces, unique fashion accents, or something else entirely. As you follow the step-by-step instructions, you'll quickly learn the order of construction and directions for pressing seam allowances. Meanwhile, the color diagrams of the blocks show how to use them in multiples, so you can plan out your full quilt as you go along. Paper-pieced blocks can be printed out on paper to go straight from printer to sewing machine, so there's no tracing necessary. The author's unique approach to foundation piecing provides the full patterns plus the option of individual rough-cut templates for each segment that prevent inadequate coverage. All the tools are there; just let your imagination carry you off to warm, quilted inspiration.

Fun Foundation-Pieced Blocks : 13 Patterns with Piecing Steps and Quilt Layout Ideas by Nancy Wick ebook DOC, FB2

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