Chinese with Mike download ebook DJV, PDF, FB2

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"?Why "Chinese with Mike"?"Chinese with Mike" is 100% new and breaks with traditional Chinese curricula. Mike's humour, mixed with his logical, step-by-step approach shields learners from the unnecessary complexities of Mandarin Chinese. Through a blend of 60 short practice lessons and audio, you'll acquire essential Chinese with confidence. More importantly, you get a little one-on-one time with Mike, as he makes learning Chinese ridiculously easy-and fun This activity book is for use with the corresponding Coursebook (ISBN 9781444198577).What will I learn?This is a solid foundation course that teaches you how to speak Chinese and also understand how the language fits together.Season 1 This covers pinyin, the four tones and writing system using Simplified Chinese characters, common words, phrases and typical conversations. In no time you'll be able to talk about yourself, your family, your friends, your job, your home, your dogs and cats.Season 2 If Season 2 wasn't included in the book, you wouldn't be able to tell people you can speak Chinese, you like to play basketball, or you want to eat beef fried rice. More importantly, you wouldn't even know how to ask permission to use the bathroom Without Season 2 you wouldn't get very far in life.Why will learning Chinese be a breeze?. Mike builds confidence through his logical step-by-step design of the course. Mike explains pronunciation with clear, familiar examples. Mike adds interesting facts about the intricacies of language. Mike includes lots of cultural tidbits. Mike recognizes and explains thoroughly troublesome areas. Mike uses native speakers to help you with listening and speakingWhat do I get when I learn Chinese with Mike?-144-page activity book of addictive practice material-Audio on MP3 CD-ROMAddictive learningMike Laoshi (Teacher Mike) will astound you with his unparalleled ability to make learning Mandarin Chinese fun and easy. Be warned, his teaching style is highly addictive, so if you have a family, career or social life, you may want to put those on hold for a little while.?"It is definitely new, and it definitely works."?-Dr. Licheng Gu, Program Director, African & Asian Languages, Northwestern University"Chinese with Mike" is suitable for classroom, self-study or home schooling.'", "It is definitely new, and it definitely works ." - Dr. Licheng Gu, Program Director, African & Asian Languages, Northwestern University What do I get when I learn Chinese with Mike? -144-page activity book of addictive practice material -Audio on MP3 CD-ROM Addictive learning Mike Laoshi (Teacher Mike) will astound you with his unparalleled ability to make learning Mandarin Chinese fun and easy. Be warned, his teaching style is highly addictive, so if you have a family, career or social life, you may want to put those on hold for a little while. Why Chinese with Mike ? Chinese with Mike is 100% new and breaks with traditional Chinese curricula. Mike's humour, mixed with his logical, step-by-step approach shields learners from the unnecessary complexities of Mandarin Chinese. Through a blend of 60 short practice lessons and audio , you'll acquire essential Chinese with confidence. More importantly, you get a little one-on-one time with Mike, as he makes learning Chinese ridiculously easy-and fun! This activity book is for use with the corresponding Coursebook (ISBN 9781444198577). What will I learn? This is a solid foundation course that teaches you how to speak Chinese and also understand how the language fits together. Season 1 This covers pinyin, the four tones and writing system using Simplified Chinese characters, common words, phrases and typical conversations. In no time you'll be able to talk about yourself, your family, your friends, your job, your home, your dogs and cats. Season 2 If Season 2 wasn't included in the book, you wouldn't be able to tell people you can speak Chinese, you like to play basketball, or you want to eat beef fried rice. More importantly, you wouldn't even know how to ask permission to use the bathroom! Without Season 2 you wouldn't get very far in life. Why will learning Chinese be a breeze? 路 Mike builds confidence through his logical step-by-step design of the course 路 Mike explains pronunciation with clear, familiar examples 路 Mike adds interesting facts about the intricacies of language 路 Mike includes lots of cultural tidbits 路 Mike recognizes and explains thoroughly troublesome areas 路 Mike uses native speakers to help you with listening and speaking Chinese with Mike is suitable for classroom, self-study or home schooling., "The coolest Chinese teacher out there. Totally rad " "The curriculum has logical links that shield beginners from the unnecessary complexities of Chinese grammar while providing a solid understanding of how the language is constructed. It is definitely new, and it definitely works."--Dr Licheng Gu, Programme Director, WCAS African & Asian Languages, Northwestern University "Like a rockstar teacher. Excellent for beginners. Entertaining too " "As an instructor, I have found Professor Hainzinger's teaching material was very practical; it was very easy to be inserted into our classroom activities; because of its structural style and its accompanying video."-- Yuxiang Liu, Lecturer in Chinese, EALC, The University of Chicago "Chinese with Mike" is like nothing you have ever experienced when it comes to learning Chinese. Teacher Mike's method is entertaining and effective--the kind of addictive learning you'll want to come back to time and again. With Teacher Mike's 60 short, video lessons, a companion coursebook, and audio, you will learn essential Chinese in no time. This program is suitable for self-study or as a supplement to classroom study or home schooling. For use with "Chinese with Mike: A Coursebook for Absolute Beginners with Audio CD." What will you learn? Season 1: Pinyin, the four tones and writing system, common words, phrases, and typical conversations. In no time you'll be able to talk about yourself, your family, your friends, your job, your home, your dogs and cats. Season 2: More conversation topics so you can tell people you can speak Chinese, you like to play basketball, you want to eat beef fried rice, and more. Features: 160-page activity book of addictive practice material Audio on MP3 CD-ROM, "The coolest Chinese teacher out there. Totally rad!!" "The curriculum has logical links that shield beginners from the unnecessary complexities of Chinese grammar while providing a solid understanding of how the language is constructed. It is definitely new, and it definitely works." --Dr Licheng Gu , Programme Director, WCAS African & Asian Languages, Northwestern University "Like a rockstar teacher. Excellent for beginners. Entertaining too!" "As an instructor, I have found Professor Hainzinger's teaching material was very practical; it was very easy to be inserted into our classroom activities; because of its structural style and its accompanying video." -- Yuxiang Liu , Lecturer in Chinese, EALC, The University of Chicago Chinese with Mike is like nothing you have ever experienced when it comes to learning Chinese. Teacher Mike's method is entertaining and effective--the kind of addictive learning you'll want to come back to time and again. With Teacher Mike's 60 short, video lessons, a companion coursebook, and audio, you will learn essential Chinese in no time. This program is suitable for self-study or as a supplement to classroom study or home schooling. For use with Chinese with Mike: A Coursebook for Absolute Beginners with Audio CD . What will you learn? Season 1: Pinyin, the four tones and writing system, common words, phrases, and typical conversations. In no time you'll be able to talk about yourself, your family, your friends, your job, your home, your dogs and cats. Season 2: More conversation topics so you can tell people you can speak Chinese, you like to play basketball, you want to eat beef fried rice, and more. Features: 160-page activity book of addictive practice material Audio on MP3 CD-ROM, Chinese with Mike" is 100% new and breaks with traditional Chinese curricula. Mike's humour, mixed with his logical, step-by-step approach shields learners from the unnecessary complexities of Mandarin Chinese. Through a blend of 60 short practice lessons and audio, you'll acquire essential Chinese with confidence. More importantly, you get a little one-on-one time with Mike, as he makes learning Chinese ridiculously easy-and fun This activity book is for use with the corresponding Coursebook (ISBN 9781444198577).This is a solid foundation course that teaches you how to speak Chinese and also understand how the language fits together.Season 1 This covers pinyin, the four tones and writing system using Simplified Chinese characters, common words, phrases and typical conversations. In no time you'll be able to talk about yourself, your family, your friends, your job, your home, your dogs and cats.Season 2 If Season 2 wasn't included in the book, you wouldn't be able to tell people you can speak Chinese, you like to play basketball, or you want to eat beef fried rice. More importantly, you wouldn't even know how to ask permission to use the bathroom Without Season 2 you wouldn't get very far in life.Mike Laoshi (Teacher Mike) will astound you with his unparalleled ability to make learning Mandarin Chinese fun and easy. Be warned, his teaching style is highly addictive, so if you have a family, career or social life, you may want to put those on hold for a little while., The curriculum has logical links that shield beginners from the unnecessary complexities of Chinese grammar while providing a solid understanding of how the language is constructed. It is definitely new, and it definitely works . - Dr. Licheng Gu, Program Director, WCAS African & Asian Languages, Northwestern University Addictive learning Mike Laoshi (Teacher Mike) will astound you with his unparalleled ability to make learning Chinese fun and easy. Be warned, his teaching style is highly addictive, so if you have a family, career or social life, you may want to put those on hold for a little while. Why Chinese with Mike ? Chinese with Mike is 100% new and breaks with traditional Chinese curricula. Mike's humour, mixed with his logical, step-by-step approach shields learners from the unnecessary complexities of Chinese. Through a blend of 60 short practice lessons and audio , you'll acquire essential Chinese with confidence. More importantly, you get a little one-on-one time with Mike, as he makes learning Chinese ridiculously easy-and fun! This activity book is for use with the corresponding Student Book (ISBN 9781444198577). What will I learn? Seasons 1&2 is a solid foundation course that teaches you how to speak Chinese and also understand how the language fits together. Season 1. This covers pinyin, the four tones and writing system, common words, phrases and typical conversations. In no time you'll be able to talk about yourself, your family, your friends, your job, your home, your dogs and cats. Season 2 If Season 2 wasn't included in the book, you wouldn't be able to tell people you can speak Chinese, you like to play basketball, or you want to eat beef fried rice. More importantly, you wouldn't even know how to ask permission to use the bathroom! Without Season 2 you wouldn't get very far in life. Why will learning Chinese be a breeze? 路 Mike builds confidence through his logical step-by-step design of the course 路 Mike explains pronunciation with clear, familiar examples 路 Mike adds interesting facts about the intricacies of language 路 Mike includes lots of cultural tidbits 路 Mike recognizes and explains thoroughly troublesome areas 路 Mike uses native speakers to help you with listening and speaking What do I get? -160-page activity book with MP3 CD-ROM of audio files. -Links to the Coursebook (ISBN 9781444198577) for holistic learning. -Presents the pinyin alphabet, tones and Simplified Chinese characters - comprehensive guide to reading and writing., Why Chinese with Mike ? Chinese with Mike is 100% new and breaks with traditional Chinese curricula. Mike's humour, mixed with his logical, step-by-step approach shields learners from the unnecessary complexities of Mandarin Chinese. Through a blend of 60 short practice lessons and audio , you'll acquire essential Chinese with confidence. More importantly, you get a little one-on-one time with Mike, as he makes learning Chinese ridiculously easy-and fun! This activity book is for use with the corresponding Coursebook (ISBN 9781444198577). What will I learn? This is a solid foundation course that teaches you how to speak Chinese and also understand how the language fits together. Season 1 This covers pinyin, the four tones and writing system using Simplified Chinese characters, common words, phrases and typical conversations. In no time you'll be able to talk about yourself, your family, your friends, your job, your home, your dogs and cats. Season 2 If Season 2 wasn't included in the book, you wouldn't be able to tell people you can speak Chinese, you like to play basketball, or you want to eat beef fried rice. More importantly, you wouldn't even know how to ask permission to use the bathroom! Without Season 2 you wouldn't get very far in life. Why will learning Chinese be a breeze? 路 Mike builds confidence through his logical step-by-step design of the course 路 Mike explains pronunciation with clear, familiar examples 路 Mike adds interesting facts about the intricacies of language 路 Mike includes lots of cultural tidbits 路 Mike recognizes and explains thoroughly troublesome areas 路 Mike uses native speakers to help you with listening and speaking What do I get when I learn Chinese with Mike? -144-page activity book of addictive practice material -Audio on MP3 CD-ROM Addictive learning Mike Laoshi (Teacher Mike) will astound you with his unparalleled ability to make learning Mandarin Chinese fun and easy. Be warned, his teaching style is highly addictive, so if you have a family, career or social life, you may want to put those on hold for a little while. "It is definitely new, and it definitely works ." -Dr. Licheng Gu, Program Director, African & Asian Languages, Northwestern University Chinese with Mike is suitable for classroom, self-study or home schooling.

Download ebook Chinese with Mike by Mike Hainzinger in FB2, DOC, EPUB

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